Each one of us a unique creation of god, marked by a unique blend of personality and character.
Standing out for our principles and beliefs, ideologies influenced and inspired by our surrounding and upbringing.
But then who is complaining, life would have been a dead bore with clones.
To add spice to your life you need people who baffle you with their idiosyncrasies and intelligence at the same time.
There is Nivedita Rao as sweet as one can get. When I while away my time reading novels instead of studyng during the PL’s I know there is a crazy friend of mine who must have in all probability finished that same novel two days back.
Soft spoken, angelic face and naïve approach are attributes that set her apart.
Then there is Ramya the ultimate gossip queen. Knows every story right from the neighbour who ran away with the auto rickshaw wallah to the lip job done by Aishwarya.
One whose phone bills run upto some 9000 bucks, some one as funky in appearance as her attitude towards her dear ones.
Offcoz the great Jyothsna Chandrapti……
Total nutcase, pretty face and a logical mind slower than the tortoise.
But a studious girl which is in complete contras too her laidback and lazy lifestyle.
A person who meets everything with equanimity and chilled out attitude.
How can I forget the hot blood Tejas Bhamburkar aka bamboo…
Stands at 6ft 3” who can talk 24/7 and terribly hooked on to his friends.
Meticulous in his work and concerned with everyone else’s life.
Friends are v important to him yet we become invisible once Jyo is there J.
Sushant Dewan aka CD the one and only guy in our group who is concerned about his professional life. Also the only one who cares to lecture a bunch of morons like us on our respective careers. A great listener, my confidant and a brilliant mathematician.
Purnima well what to say about this crazy character. Top in her acads and maturity that is unmatched. Have been a dutiful daughter and like a mother to her little sis.
Divya sharma charming personality, cute boy friend, responsible in her work and frugal.
Doing an engg course of four years yet no interest in technical side. A dream girl with eyes set on IIMs.
Ladies and Gentlemen meet Chithu, confusion etched on her face day in and out. Have the reputation of a studious girl but in reality a lazy bum.
Shweta weirdest creature walking on the earth. The person who is misunderstood to be rude by one and all yet the gentlest creature alive.
Sleeping a passion for Swati Suri, will try to skirt all work for sleep.Stubborn as hell on her decisions and sweet as heaven in person.
Ghosh they all are so different, yet they add a new meaning to my everyday life.
Their eccentricities and disparities have added some interesting pieces to the puzzle of my life.
Luv you all.
Hey good job roopa....its rlly amazing that you could pen down things in such a short n sweet way...if i start,i dont think i can even completely do it for anyone of us....hehehe....it will jus go on n on....jus like our friendship.....frnz forever.....
yooo thts my frnd .... frnds 4 life
good work.....abt roopa....coming soon!!!!!
we love you too roopa!!!
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