Life is magnificent, each one of us just small entities trying to fathom the beautiful exquisite word life.
But do we need to be scared of what’s in store for us in life.
Hasn’t our experience till now taught us one valuable lesson that nothing is in our hands yet everything is connected to our doings?
We have no right to dictate its terms, yet it unfolds in ways that seems to b linked in an obscure way.
Every relationship, every day, each moment, every look, every smile, every handshake has immense value.
Each one of them gives us tools to live this life to the fullest; it’s up to us to grab them.
Don't expect anything from life, from friends, from your family,
Your are here to live life, give life to someone else’s journey not to take away something that doesn’t belong to you in the first place.
Who are you to expect.
Do you think you are that great a person to expect?
Be humble enough to not expect. Expectation is the venom that destroys our life, the meaning to our existence.
Doing something in return for something is itself the bane to your very existence.
You feel content in getting the expected but getting the unexpected is glorious.
There is a beautiful rose in store for us every moment, but to hold the beauty you need to feel the thorns first.
Live life freely savor every moment, laugh out loud when you are happy, smile when you are content, cry if you are sad, because those moments well never come back.
That’s the beauty of life, it never lets you relive the moments that has elapsed. Past is to cherished, present to be lived and future to be anticipated.
wow wat an attitude to life..!
rockin... long way to go...! gudluck!
i having my own view of life dont agree with you
when you say dont expect anything when y do the work
life is the reason in itself to live
living wth a conscience of whatever you do
when you dont expect anything it doesnt tempt you to do anything
i believe and therefore i have the right to expect
and in your world it would be
i believe and therefore i am great
fair enough
Hey...That is a wonderful start to your blog....You actually sound like a pro at blogging...Hmm...good essence about the beauty of life...keep it going...living the present and anticipating some great stuff from ya in future...
u have assembled ur thoughts in really nice way....really see u ll get many more comments in future...
hey Roopa
first i would like to thank you for reading and commenting on my blog. and yes i dont feel inhibited writign abt myslef or what i go thru. Thanks again
Among all your blogs , i likes this which says expectations. I would like to comment but yes i too dotn belive that one shud not expect.
We are human and have a tendency to expect from things/being around us. At certain levels expecting is glorious but on the hand expectations are required. I dotn knw how to explain but soon will come with a new blog on expectations and then u comment on it.
One thing i dont knw whethe you wud like it, try making ur blog more attractive
the peson viewing ur blog wont read first but see. First impression is the last impression.
Try using the fonts and colours
Am sure tyou didnt expect this from me, but i expect to make this blog more attractve.
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