Friendship …Friendship …Friendship
Haven’t we been exposed to this word since time immemorial?
This is one human relationship which has been the essence, the starting plug, the life of all relationships.
Everyone craves for great friends, friends who will be there for you in sickness and happiness.
People who cherish you the way god has made you, admonish your wrong ways, applaud your achievements, guide you through rough times, nurture your dreams and celebrate with you your special moments.
But …………
has this new scientific world maimed this gentle, delicate and beautiful world of friendship.
Today’s world has transformed people into machines, machines that go on and on with no time for such mundane things as friendship.
Today we are so engrossed in our day to day work; we don’t find time for simple things as enquiring your friend’s well being and health.
Today’s youth equate friendship to hangouts.
This era has proved to be a boon as well as a curse.
World is scattered with opportunities and people are just desperate to grab them.
Life style has become luxurious but human feelings have taken a backseat.
People are so bedazzled by their success that they tend to overlook the persons they have lost in their way.
Now people come up with justification that “To achieve something you have to sacrifice some things”, true, but not yourself.
You, your soul crave for human touch, human emotions not materialistic things.
What’s the use of all these materialistic things that you have garnered if you have no one to share that with?
If you can’t enjoy what you have achieved what was the big idea of achieving it.
What we need to know is the balancing act.
Take out time for your loved ones because they are the ones who will even at the age of 90 say “You are a great human being”.
Be with them during their special moments; during bad times make them feel they can always find a support in you.
In return you will feel content and happy and never be lonely and alone.
Take out time to feel and enjoy the iridescent hues of life.
You say people want friends who will be there with them when they need them isnt it similar to handouts
friends and equal to the handouts given by them maybe in different form
friends are those who help us
this is just another form of handout
instead of this being in an indirect form it has come out more clearly in today's 'materialistic' world
nice pic...haha
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