It’s always been the case the outspoken becomes the black sheep in every situation.
Is it wrong to project your views and true feelings as it is?
Being transparent is a curse in a world where people hide themselves behind a plastic smile and pretend every thing is hunky-dory.
People want to just save their own skin.
They are tigers when voicing their opinion in group but grow cold feet on being asked to stand up for their views.
Madame Tauxad’s waxworks are preferable to such plastic people claiming to be human beings.
These are servile dependents who are opportunists in the first place, making use of people around them and themselves becoming paragon of false sweetness.
So what does a person do who believes in his thoughts, emotions and beliefs.
A person who is gutsy to voice his opinion and doesn’t shrink from his responsibilities
A person who has got zillion friends yet few to count.
Is he at fault for being like this?
Should he change himself and become life wretched inhuman beings around him.
Should he to follow the crowd and keep his head bowed down at all times.
Imagine a world where you do not know who your true well wishers are.
Just because the majority is like this doesn’t mean they are right in the first place.
Be true to yourself if your conscience says so, because ultimately you are answerable to yourself.
Out of the thousand deeds done by you at least one will reciprocate.
So for that hope live the moments with your ideologies.
Never compromise, because you won’t ever be able to justify that
What future hold for us we never know.
Just do the right things and let it shape your life as it wants to.
Where did you get all these pics from..awesome......send me the link
When people dont agree with you views then they obviously dont like you. Now the idea you had may not (and wont occur to everybody, that's how it works).
Now you have to have a clear conscience and go with it, else the world will never know.
Also your friends might not understand, even if they do they might find it difficult. Now in both the situations it is ok, Not always do friends share the same opinion still not bothering about is one of the definitions of friendship(the world is so full with the definitions of friendships that one can easily model the relation between Bush and Saddam as friendship,
Lemme show you, bush knew Saddam was wrong and he risked his power and the lives of his countrymen to capture Saddam and put his mind right, that's what friends do)
Now returning to the topic also even after understanding they needn't agree, that also is correct one has the right to put himself before others.
Once you are proved right, people will follow.
The world is often changed with the 'Power of One'
Be patient till you are among those ones.
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