Tuesday, August 26, 2008

True for me....

So many times I had this weird feeling that the same sets of events have already taken place.

As if I am living through the sequence again and again, going in a circle.

Whenever I feel this I try really hard to remember the exact circumstances of my previous encounter, but try as hard as I might it still eludes me.

But still have this gut feeling that I am not wrong.

It’s kind of like a déjà-vu.

And this feeling fascinates me because the key to the puzzle eludes me.

Each such encounter feels like a teasing, a reminder that I have yet not cracked the bounded coloured box.

What if it actually turns true, that we are indeed living in a time loop?

Guess this is what makes life exciting, the unexpectedness that lines every aspect of our life.

Have you ever woken up feeling you just fell from a height.

A feeling of weightlessness because of the illusion of falling marks this experience.

Free fall which lasts a split second and before you know what’s happening you are awake.

Some things are best left alone, knowing everything takes away the charm of curiosity.


Long time since I jotted down my thoughts.

Many things have changed in a short span of time.

College days are over for me and a new professional life has taken its baby steps.

Complete carefree days has become a thing of past rather than being the norm of life.

Responsibility has taken the centre stage.

Managing your time and resources , taking responsibilty for things that happen around you.

No more th defense of "being just a student" comes in use.

Offcourse this in no ways mean that there is no exictement in what am doing right now.

Infact I feel so good, as if atlast am doing something constructive.

But I have realised with the right environment you can be encouraged to do even the most pathetic job in the world.

Positive vibes matter a lot, and I have been blessed with a wonderful work environment.

Once you start working you truly come to know your strength and weaknesses.

You come to know what you are cut for.

The cluttered image becomes less confusing with each step you take towards working on yourself.

But I miss my friends.

Now also when I meet up with my old friends I feel as if am back to my zone.

The same old crappy talk, back to jeans and tops, hogging on junk food and basically doing all the time pass in the world.

Its like a breath of fresh air when I sit and speak utter crap and not having the pressure of being always right running through my head.

In college every mistake was forgiven with an indulgent view.