Saturday, November 28, 2015

Life has changed

Reading through my blogs, some as old as 7 years, was one surreal experience.

Felt as if it were written by some other person with better English.

Whatsapp and all the plethora of other chat windows have definitely ruined by sentence constructs.

The life on the go is no more letting me take time out to contemplate on the past/present/future.

World is definitely getting flatter  -  all of us dressing, speaking, looking, acting out in similar ways.

What happened to distinct identities when you stood for something. In this era of social media are we getting lost in the crowd?

In the era of 1000+ friends on Facebook, how many can you really count on? Few I say!

It is easier to stay in touch than actually make a difference in that person's life.

Life is a race and just getting more and more competitive. Sometime it is surprising to see how far we are ready to let go of personal lives just to do well out there. In the end, what for?

With more buying power one forgets to relish the Rs 10/- frankie at the street corner.

World is getting better or worse?

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