Destruction of expectation coined by nishant and followed by one and all in our crazy trical group.
You think you are a good reader of a person’s character then come to our class and all your cherished skills will be put to shame.
Though all are well nigh 21 yet seldom do we act like one.

Yes we do have characters like Anup Rao who claim to be all matured and have got this ‘ I don’t care “ placard hung around his neck 24/7 yet is the most eager one to listen to all sorts of gossips.
And will come up with a justification like he needs fodder to have fun or something to that tune.
Blunt to the point and biggest critic u can ever have.
Off coz he finds ample support in Aditya Hariharan who for 1 moment will speak on some technical stuff and not make any sense whatsoever even though we all hail from the same so called electrical branch and next moment record absolute crap and play it all day long.
Who doesn’t get worked up so easily but has a blast watching others getting worked up.
His best friend Deepayan as lazy as one can get off coz swati can give him a tough competition in this area.
Nocturnal creature and sarcasm etched on every word he utters.
Good at sports yet don’t see any point in going for matches which are scheduled early morning.
Then we have got the crazy trio Nishant, Adish and Rohit Bendre.
Restless and constant chattering, popping up with hair raising ideas which even
4 year olds will feel embarrassed to do.
Offcoz at no point of the day will they accept that they are kiddish instead you will be blamed for having no sense of humour.
Macky and Ankur the two characters whom you can trigger any moment with any thing.
Mad people who prefer to think from their heart rather than applying brains when they get worked up.
Hot blooded …
Govind is the best but of all… he is so sweet and sporting.
Dunno how rotho tolerates this crazy group the only sane one in the group if one 4gets his deadly pjs.
Then comes the fevicol group me, Swati, Jyothsna, Chithu, Shweta and Pooja.
No need to introduce them, already have writtena lot of crap about them.
So that pretty much makes up our trical dance group.
Am pretty sure when every one reads this all will be like what about you well all I can say is am not as insane as Nishant.
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